
Misato Ogihara 2024 「House in the forest」

Misato Ogihara: Solo Show - Letter


Misato Ogihara: Solo Show - Letter

矢萩誉大 個展 - イマジナティブ オブジェクツ

Takahiro Yahagi, Solo Show - Imaginative Objects

Urban Nature 越谷喜隆 写真展 - Integrity

Yoshitaka Koshiya Photo Exhibition | Urban Natu...

TOKIWAGI Annex 02_素材と手仕事の技を今につなぐデザインの神髄

TOKIWAGI Annex 02_The Essence of Design that Co...

溝口 春菜 個展 - モノローグ

Haruna Mizoguchi - Monologue


Haruna Mizoguchi - Monologue

TOKYO KODO Incense gallery  - Beyond Borders

TOKYO KODO Incense gallery - Beyond Borders


TOKYO KODO Incense gallery - Beyond Borders

緒方 環 個展 美学 - SUMIGA 10th anniversary

Tamaki Ogata "Aesthetics" - SUMIGA 10th anniver...


Tamaki Ogata "Aesthetics" - SUMIGA 10th anniver...

國久真有 個展 "UNTITLED"

Mayu Kunihisa - "UNTITLED"


Mayu Kunihisa - "UNTITLED"

スタジオ・ポエティック・キュリオシティ - 詩覚のデザイン

Studio Poetic Curiosity - Poetic Design


Studio Poetic Curiosity - Poetic Design

Month of Renewal Open Exhibitions

Month of Renewal Open Exhibitions


Month of Renewal Open Exhibitions

光井 威善 個展 CALM - people & silence

Takeyoshi Mitsui - Glass Exhibition


Takeyoshi Mitsui - Glass Exhibition

緒方 環 墨画展

Tamaki Ogata - Sumiga Exhibition


Tamaki Ogata - Sumiga Exhibition

竹内 紘三 個展 Frontier /フロンティア

Kouzo Takeuchi Solo Exhibition - Frontier


Kouzo Takeuchi Solo Exhibition - Frontier

荻原 美里 個展

Misato Ogihara Solo Exhibition


Misato Ogihara Solo Exhibition

越谷 喜隆 写真展

Yoshitaka Koshiya Photo Exhibition "LANDSCAPE ...


Current Exhibition

We are now preparing for the next exhibition, please see the information in the Upcoming Exhibition.

Upcoming Exhibition

Please check back for the information on our Upcoming Exhibition.

Past Exhibitions