溝口 春菜 個展 - モノローグ

Haruna Mizoguchi - Monologue

Feb 23 - March 10, 2024
11:00 ~ 20:00, Last Day: ~ 18:00

SMP GALLERY is pleased to present "Haruna Mizoguchi - Monologue", her first solo exhibition of abstract sumi ink paintings.

The artist has studied calligraphy since childhood and majored in textiles as a student. After graduation, she worked as a textile designer for a major automobile manufacturer, where she was involved in color design for the interior and exterior of cars. She has left this career and now creates black-and-white drawings and abstract paintings using sumi ink and washi paper. 

Using Japanese paper as a canvas, letting her brush move freely, she paints beautiful mental landscapes with shades of sumi ink. These are abstract ink paintings woven from the waves of innocent emotions and inspirations that well up in the artist's daily life as she interacts with the outside world through seeing, hearing, and feeling. 

The artist will be present in the gallery on:
Feb 23 Fri 11:00 - 18:00  
Feb 24 Sat 13:00 - 18:00
Feb 25 Sun 13:00 - 18:00
We will inform any changes on Instagram.

Message from the Artist

Neither white nor black
Neither round nor triangular

Like it can go on forever
Like there is no end
As if everything is somehow connected

Such ambiguous beauty
I am fascinated by such ambiguous beauty.

I cherish the dialogue with the brush, ink, and washi.
And above all
I rely heavily on the incredible power of the materials.
They are so bold and subtle that they can be uncontrollable.

It's like looking through a microscope
at a microscopic level

Or as if I am looking at something endlessly large
on a macro level

A feeling, a sensation, a fragrance
Unspeakable thoughts
A landscape I saw some time ago
A memory of the past

In the grass and trees, in the water
The sky I looked up at in the morning
or the traces of rain on the asphalt

I hope that the viewer can have their thoughts

Haruna Mizoguchi




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