緒方 環 個展 美学 - SUMIGA 10th anniversary

Tamaki Ogata "Aesthetics" - SUMIGA 10th anniversary exhibition

Nov 23 - Dec 12, 2023
11:00 ~ 20:00, Last Day: ~ 18:00

We are pleased to announce our 10th-anniversary exhibition of SUMIGA "Aesthetics" by Tamaki Ogata.

Ogata has exceptional drawing ability to depict the human body in delicate and bold shades of sumi black ink. Uncomparable soulful beauty emerges from her sensitivity to capturing the body's motion and fashion. Explore and enjoy the season of SUMIGA.


The artist will be present on:
Nov 23, 11:00〜18:00
Nov 24, 25, 26, 13:00〜18:00
* We will inform any changes on IG

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